
Informe aportado a la Comisión Europea #ERW15

Este es el informe que Lía García, como representante de la Comisión de Educación de Hisparob, aportó a la Comisión europea que organiza la Semana Europea de la Robótica y que recoge todo lo realizado por profesores, profesoras, alumnos, alumnas, empresas y organizaciones en el curso pasado.
Nos comprometimos  a liderar un año en educación con robótica y a aportar nuestro infrome y ellos... lo recogen.

Report ERW Education

ERW14 evaluation: our best practices

In 20 years robotics will be a revolution at a social level as important internet was. And those who lead this revolution are now integrated in the education system.
More than 190 events took place all around the Spanish territory during the ERW14, turning our country the most represented http://www.eu-robotics.net/eurobotics-week/about-eurobotics-week/, many of them were educational activities.
This great success would not have been possible without three factors:
  1. A large number of teachers from cities and countryside without institutional support, but working in a network made this initiative possible.
  2. Robotics companies grouped under the association HISPAROB have collaborated with teachers and schools to provide robotics for everyone.
  3. Several extended time actions, from November 2013 to November 2014 have raised awareness, provided continuity and penetrated deeply into the educational and social environment, culminating in the ERW14.
We extract and summarize the following best practices from this variety of actions:
  1. Involvement of the entire school community: teachers, children and families. So we come full circle when families move work to society.
  2. Making no specific actions. The learning environment takes time and is more permeable to durable activities than to specific events in time. The event is the start of the activities of educational robotics.
  3. Measure and assess the effects of the activities undertaken to ensure efficient return on investment in both time and budget and human resources.
  4. Doing lots of very small things locally, working with small companies committed to the development of their community and closest environment. "Many small people, in small places, doing small things can change the world." Eduardo Galeano.
  5. Pioneering work experiences with robotics with 0-3 years old children. Robotics is absorbed as a tool in a natural way in 0-3 years old kids without excluding other activities.
  6. Participation  of Telefonica shops (spread over 17 hot spots, in very different areas) converted during some Saturdays in learning environments. Some students act as training mentors for their peers, thus amplifying the job.
  7. Study and visibility of the role of women in robotics, through dialogue between experts, mothers, female teachers at the twitter event # 8MRobotico.
  8. Globalizing experiences using educational robotics joining a whole school, families, companies, universities and research centers (check #cervanbot on Twitter)

Our proposals for ERW15.

Our proposals for ERW15 are the following:
  1. Continue to insist on the double circuit of activities: the school on the one hand, giving importance to multiple intelligences and family and neighboring on the other hand, This should be achieved by taking the classroom background to the leisure environment.
  2. In order to get a complete list of proposals unique and general national coordinator should collect and coordinate initiatives.
  3. Spreading information about activities should be done by HispaRob and euRobotics.
  4. Launch hashtag #ERW15 from now on.
  5. Further deepen in robotics as a life project for children, with a special effort to reach everyone: Robotics are everyone's and for everyone.
  6. Coordinated work with companies that through their corporate social responsibility programs assist in the procurement of materials and media to reach those most in need, through, for example, a model of robotics kits like Mertxe Barea’s work (with great results in the Basque Country).
  7. MOOC "Introducing programming and educational robotics in all subjects", #MOOCBot, organized by the Ministry of Education through the National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (INTEF) through the new and powerful MOOC platform approved recently. It’ll start on October and will culminate coinciding with the ERW15.
  8. Deepening the introduction of educational robotics in 0-3 years old children. Dissemination and replication of experiences as technological baptism: using the tablet to show and explain our surrounding world. Five years old kids show it to 2 years old ones.

Preparing ERW15: our requests

These are our requests to continue and expand the work of previous ERW that has given such good results:
  1. A certificate of quality from euRobotics for businesses and teachers, actively participating in the events. "Distinguished robotics teacher"
  2. Keep active the internet platform throughout the year and start to spread using the hashtag #ERW15
  3. Promote (from euRobotics) agreements with companies to obtain funding for compensatory education initiatives through corporate social responsibility, foundations ....
  4. Priority in the allocation of budgets to the poorest sectors to reduce the technology gap. Majority economic items should be established for funding models devoted to compensation  (eg robotics kits in the Basque Country) versus the competition (which reach non disadvantaged environments).
  5. Develop an European recommendation on the objectives of the society in respect to educational robotics going in the line of the Digital Literacy Report of UNESCO. We need Europe to realize that robotics is compensating (economic, social, gender).
  6. Make visible gender issues related to robotics. Doing an European campaign similar to the successful Spanish  #8MRobotico initiative. Develop a publication in various languages.
  7. Having an European (by euRobotics) video introductory to MOOCBot.
    Estas son algunas impresiones que nos compartió Lía tras la reunión.
    En cuanto al trabajo se ha hablado de muchas cosas y se ha trabajado siguiendo dinámicas de trabajo modernas (a mí me ha encantado) de esas con grupos, post-it de colores, papeles grandes... En concreto han salido muchas ideas sobre la búsqueda de financiación para la ERW, de mejora de coordinación, de aumentar la participación de empresas, de acercar la robótica a la sociedad, buscar relatos que lleguen a las personas y no tanto discursos académicos, de que las acciones sean más a largo plazo y menos puntuales, de buscar maneras de medir el impacto... Incluso hay una propuesta de cambiar el nombre a algo así como "European Robotic Festival" para que sea más festivo y participativo...


    Este es el espacio que España tiene asignado como pionera en la parte de educación en le web oficial
    he European Robotics Week is a voluntary, pan-European event with a clear focus on education.
    The European Robotics Week 2015, now in its fifth edition, will look into reciprocal links to the European education community, where students, teachers and families are not only recipients, but proactive elements in its conception and execution.
    In 2013, in Spain, an enthusiastic team of teachers have pioneered a (self) organized initiative, arranging their educational schedule around the Robotics week’s activities and turned it into a “must participate” event. The event continued in 2014 and will enjoy a new edition in 2015.
    During the European Robotics Week 2015, the Spanish Education community will organise activities using creative writing, audiovisual plans, competitions, workshops, focused discussions around specific topics, involving primary and secondary school pupils, teachers and parents.
    To achieve mid-term social impact, for a whole year, they will continue building on the momentum, organising more activities in a creative feedback loop to be reflected and coordinated by Cero en Conducta through this website https://sites.google.com/site/europeanroboticsweekeducation/
    Hereby we invite the whole European community of Pupils, teachers and families to be part of this initiative and to work together during this year with the European Robotics Week for Robotics Education.
    Please join in! Check the webpage!

    Please tweet about it!! #erw15_edu
    We will build a beautiful Storify with all your tweets!!!

    And if you want more information on how to participate, from Spain or the rest of Europe, please contact:

    Lía García
    00 34 666533747

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